Monday, February 9, 2009

Hectic Capizanon Bloggers 2009

Welcome to all Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009. Today I am very glad I will be competing against my fellow Capiznon College student inter-school. This will give each and every individual student and instructor a chance to show their hidden search engine knowledge as well as bringing the name of their prospective school at the top of Google search engine.

A lot of college instructor and college student nowadays are into Blogging which i assume as another way for them to express some of their ideas, opinion, outlook or perhaps judgment.

As to this Inter school competition, all participants are required to include the link in their website before their entry become valid. This contest allows only pure Website optimization and no any other form of unethical techniques.

The winner of this contest will take home PHP 5,000.00 / Second and Third place in addition will receive their prizes too. As to my fellow competitors Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009, I am looking forward to have a clean and fair antagonism with you.